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about us

Sinderella Baby Accessories started production in the eighties with a mother's work as a hobby and limited capacity.
The first workshop was founded in 1992 and enlarged in 1994, increasing production capacity by today's technological facilities, fully perform quality baby intra-footpad with domestic production in Turkey, it has been a pioneer in bringing innovative approach sector.

Family business, Sinderella Bebe Accessories, with the awareness that baby shoes should also be in fashion
creates summer and winter collections.

Since its establishment, the company has been known with the brands SİNDERELLA BEBE, FREE BABY, and since 2009, FREESURE has become the registered trademark of the company.

While Freesure Baby Shoes creates the awareness that babies are also a fashion,
Considering the health of the most precious creatures who cannot express their discomfort, it has accepted production without using any material harmful to the skin and nature as an indispensable principle.

Our Mission

Freesure ayakkabılı yürüyen bebek

It is to be the comfort of the feet of babies who cannot express their discomfort as the witness of the healthy adventure of walking and the big steps of success in the future.

Ongoing production company with modern technologies with the absolute customer satisfaction with dealers in many countries around the world, while production in Turkey is reaching tiny feet.



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